This is from the CBCnews CBCnews  

I’Am sorry that our Provincial Government  will not support Central Canada Con with grants and support , I’am sorry that our Premier would rather help his friends get rich and cut health care so bad , that its going to hurt .That the major Business in the city knowing full well that C4 had 70,000 people for spending money in Winnipeg for the Three day period of the  Central Canada Comic Con 2018 

I ‘ Am truly sorry that the Royal Bank of Canada who brag’s they are for the people will not help sponsor a event . So i guess that all the RBC wants is a name on a fairly unused building because it priced itself out of the market for shows . But I ‘am truly Sorry that the Business of Winnipeg and Manitoba are no willing to help sponsor a great show, but then they have to explain to [ if they had children ] that they thought a little help was too much for the Joy of many people seeing they’re Movie and Television  Stars  .

Heck I’m just a little web blog and I have donated and given my all to support the  Central Canada Comic Con 2018  and Boy am I sorry that Big Business in Manitoba could not out sponsor me for one of our shows .